Li Gerhalter

Li Gerhalter, Mag.a, is a historian; she studied history, gender studies, sociology and literature at the University of Vienna and at the TU Berlin; since 2000 she is supervising the Collection of Women’s Personal Papers at the Department of History at the University of Vienna; she is a lecturer at the University of Vienna and the Danube University Krems; from 2003 to 2006 she worked for the Bruno Kreisky Archives Foundation and the Johanna Dohnal Archive; in 2005 she was a research assistant to the project “Women Bethink Differently” for the Women’s Department of the City of Vienna/MA57 on the occasion of the “Gedenkjahr 2005”; her research focuses on diaries and auto/biographical research, the strategies of remembering, material cultures, the politics of collecting and archiving, women’s and gender history of the twentieth century, and friendships among women; she currently works on her doctorate in which she looks at the forms, the contents and the materiality of diaries of girls and women in the first half of the twentieth century; she has been widely published, e.g., “Wrapped-Up Memory: Things and Their Order in the Estate of Martha Teichmann (Saxony/New York 1888–1977)” (together with E. Saurer), Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. M. Messer, R. Schröder, and R. Wodak (Vienna and New York 2012); Apokalyptische Jahre: Die Tagebücher der Therese Lindenberg (1938 bis 1946), ed. (together with Ch. Hämmerle) (Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2010); Krieg – Politik – Schreiben. Tagebücher von Frauen (1918 – 1950), ed. (together with Ch. Hämmerle) Vienna / Cologne /Weimar 2015);